Natural Resource Management
Access the Entitlement
Micro Enterprise
Water Sanitation and
Institution Building
Urban WASH through strengthening local governance
Microfianance - NABFIN (NABARD FInancial Services Ltd) 
Micro Enterprise
Most families depend on agriculture for their incomes. with continuous decline in farm sizes, it has become necessary for the rural population to diversify their avenues of income. In this regard CARMDAKSH felt to introduce these families to emerging home-based microenterprises, which provide livelihood opportunities outside traditional farming.

Poultry Farming ( 30 unit)
Smallholder poultry unit emerged as a one of the powerful optionl for the livelihood promotion of rural poor women. Women from tribal and other poor families are organised into cooperatives to serve the growing needs of small town and urban markets.In this regardCARMDAKSH had promoted poultry farming through Mahanadi mahilaMurgipalansamiti. Mahanadi MahilaMurgipalan Samiti is a registered cooperative society. CARMDAKSH provides through the cooperatives training and assistance in loan through revolving fund supported by KWPCL. These women rear a batch of 300 birds in rearing sheds built on their backyards. In around 35 days the birds are ready for sale.Besides this Cooperative also provide inputs like feeds, chicks, and medicines. At the same time, the cooperatives make arrangements to market the birds. One full time person is trained to provide veterinary care and manage linkages on behalf of the co-operative.

Beside this other activities
  • Mushroom Farming (25 family)
  • Papad Production and selling ( one SHG)
  • Detergent powder production ( 2 shg)
  • Mobile repairing training (6 youth)
  • Driver training ( 70 youth)
  • Sewing & Tailoring (11 batch completed) 12th batch on going
  • Production of vermi compost
  • Production of Sanitary Napkin Unit

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